The Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy may already be colliding after it was discovered that galaxies may have gas halos far ...
While Earth is located about 26,000 light-years from what's known as the galactic center, the outer portions of the Milky Way are even further, at about 58,000 light-years from our galaxy's ...
The study suggests Sagittarius A* likely formed through a merger with another black hole, explaining its spin and ...
A mysterious and powerful burst of radio waves reached Earth after traveling through space for 8 billion years dubbed FRB ...
Astronomers have examined the Extreme Outer Galaxy, also known as the outskirts of our Milky Way galaxy, using the ...
NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has provided groundbreaking data from near the edge of the solar system, revealing the cosmic ...
Among the Milky Way’s outskirts is a firecracker show of star formation. How do environmental factors affect the star ...
The Love’s Planetarium, which opened Friday, is the only one of its caliber in North America. With its eight 4K projectors ...
Thirteen billion years ago, the gas and dust particles that eventually became our Milky Way were whizzing around in every ...
NASA's Webb Peers Into the Extreme Outer Galaxy ... our Milky Way galaxy. Scientists call this region the Extreme Outer Galaxy due to its location more than 58,000 ... Magnetic Field Maps of ...
Galaxies are much bigger than we originally thought, extending far out into deep space — so far that the Milky Way likely interacts with our closest neighbor ...
A new image from the James Webb Space Telescope depicts the "extreme outer galaxy" in unprecedented detail, NASA researchers ...