如下,Apple苹果MacBookAir2022款M2芯片版现在在京东的活动售价为9499元。满7000元减1300元,四川等地区以旧换新补贴立减1630.3元,plus会员还可以享受立减47.49元的优惠活动。购买此款产品,只需支付6521.21元 ...
苹果 MacBookAir 2024 配备了 M3 芯片,这是一款性能卓越的芯片,拥有强大的 AI 功能和智能功能。新款 MacBook Air 的轻薄设计和强大功能使其成为一款非常吸引人的笔记本电脑。 在外观上,MacBook Air 采用了轻薄无风扇设计,机身厚度不到 1.2 厘米。它提供了午夜色 ...
The next major cycle of Mac upgrades involves the M4 chip and it’s starting soon, according to reports. All of the M4 Macs aren’t being released at the same time, however, and since Apple ...
杭州娃哈哈集团有限公司于 8 月 29 日发生工商变更,宗庆后卸任法定代表人、董事长兼总经理职务,均由宗馥莉接任。同时,张晖、吴建林等多名高管退出杭州娃哈哈集团有限公司董事、监事职务,新增叶雅琼、费军伟等为董事,王国祥为董事兼副总经理。查看详情 ...
据报道,一家大型显示器供应商向苹果发送了常规OLED面板样品,用于未来Vision头戴式设备。 Apple Vision Pro所采用的索尼微型OLED显示屏尺寸为1.42英寸,像素密度约为3386 ...
Finding the best Apple deals used to be a challenge, but these days? Not so much. Retailers like Amazon, Best Buy, and B&H Photo are currently offering some of the best Apple deals on all kinds of ...
Insert the Apple AirTag into your bag, gadget, or any item that you may misplace, so that you can track it if you lose it. The Apple AirTag is one of the best Bluetooth trackers if you’re using ...
And while the Apple Studio Display and Pro Display XDR have some similarities, the Studio Display comes in at a much lower price tag. It has a 27-inch screen that comes with 5K resolution and 600 ...
The 27-inch Studio Display ($1,599) is a great 5K monitor, one that delivers a lot of the value of Apple's $5,000 Pro Display XDR in a much more affordable (though hardly cheap) package.
9 月,美团核心本地商业 CEO 王蒲中在美团餐饮产业大会上分享数据:今年一季度以来全国餐饮增速在迅速下降,北上广深四个一线城市进入负增长。美团外卖、到店、餐饮收银 SaaS(在线软件服务)监控的同店业绩下滑,客单价持续下降。
而小米集团合伙人/总裁、国际部总裁、小米品牌总经理卢伟冰还发长文预热:“小米即将首发的旗舰新平台会强力升位,全新桌面级微架构带来“三超特性”:超高主频、超强性能、超低功耗。不论每一点,对过去都是颠覆式的升级。基于目前的摸底数据,与我们三年前一起联合定 ...
【ITBEAR】9月16日消息,苹果公司正秘密研发一款新型Apple Watch SE,这款产品预计将采用塑料外壳,并有望在明年正式亮相。彭博社的最新报道揭示了这一动态,指出苹果在材质转换过程中虽面临挑战,但研发工作仍在有条不紊地进行。