夏天高溫屢創新高,走在街上似乎都快被烤焦了!眼睛也會因此而烤焦嗎?眼科王孟祺醫師發現,高溫天氣下,臨床上眼睛乾澀與角膜破皮的求診病患日益增加!但歸咎其原因,最常見的還是成天窩在冷氣房內空調,或電扇直吹,都可能使淚水分泌蒸發, ...
今年,大空间项目急剧增长,据不完全统计,新起的VR大空间项目已超百个。以经典之作《消失的法老》为例,其长达11个月的展览周期内,吸引了约11万人次踏入这场虚拟古埃及之旅,累计票房高达3000+万元,运营方利润超千万。"巴黎舞会Le Bal de ...
Mobile VR has come to mean something very different in 2024. Just a few years ago, inserting your smartphone into a headset was a great and relatively cheap way to enjoy virtual reality.
Here’s how it works. The race to build the best VR headset is, funnily enough, not really about just VR anymore. Sure, they do transport you to virtual worlds, but they unlock so much more in ...
It didn’t take long for many developers to create innovative and exciting VR porn games. It’s a whole new way to experience porn, and is really one that needs to be experienced to believe.
The best VR headsets are an enticing gateway into an entirely fresh gaming experience, especially if you're checking out this immersive tech for the very first time. For those of you who're ...
每经AI快讯,有投资者在投资者互动平台提问:公司产品是否可用于折叠屏,智能耳机,智能眼睛等细分的消费电子行业 和林微纳(688661.SH)9月19日在投资者互动平台表示,公司MEMS精微零组件主要应用于智能手机、智能音箱及AR/VR设备。 (记者 ...
What are the best VR games? When it comes to VR games, we’re entering a golden era, kickstarted by the release of the Meta Quest 3. That being said, if you have any major VR gaming headset ...
If PSVR 2 is your first foray into the world of VR, there are plenty of great games to check out across a variety of genres. If you need a headset, here's where to buy PSVR 2 right now ...
在玩3D或VR类游戏时,眼睛感知到立体、运动的画面并传递到神经中枢,产生运动的感觉,但前庭系统并未感受到实际的身体运动,这种信息冲突也会 ...
对PlayStation VR2 vs Meta Quest 3这两款VR设备进行全面对比,分析它们的优点与不足,帮助玩家做出更加明智的选择。 PSVR 2搭载了4K-HDR显示器,为每只眼睛提供2000×2040像素的OLED屏幕,支持最高120fps的 ...