创始人周鸿祎曾把 360 比喻为中国互联网的「鲶鱼」,不是巨头,不是鲨鱼。这条「鲶鱼」,早在十二年前,就以「3百大战」的方式,搅动了中国搜索市场,至今仍然位列中国搜索引擎市场第二名。
I am suitably impressed with what I saw, and I didn't think they'd be able to improve on MSFS 2020 much more than an ...
When it comes to video search, different platforms offer unique features and user experiences. Bing, in particular, stands ...
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 introduces advancements that blur the line between virtual and real-life flight, making it a ...
OpenAI o1,在门萨智商测试中果然取得了第一名。数学大神陶哲轩实测发现,o1竟然能成功识别出克莱姆定理。而OpenAI的研究副总裁也在此时跳出来表明:大型神经网络可能已经有了足够算力,表现出意识了。
微软在博文中强调,新版微软照片应用正处于逐步推广阶段,因此现阶段并非所有符合条件的 Windows Insider 参与测试,且可能测试的功能并不完整。 用户要访问 iCloud 照片,导航至照片应用中的 iCloud Photos,从 ...
Microsoft Photos has received one big update with dozens of new capabilities, for all users, including iPhone users.
The Bing Chat platform was only available on a ... The Copilot chatbot is not only completely free but also the best way to ...
ChatGPT maker OpenAI has announced a model that can effectively fact-check itself by "reasoning" through questions.
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 claims to be 4,000x more detailed where it counts — on the ground, and in its recreations of ...
北京时间9月13日午夜,OpenAI正式发布全新模型技术产品o1,包括两种版本o1-preview和o1-mini,前者具有高级推理功能,在推理数学、编程、科学等问题的能力上有显著提高,性能接近理化生博士水平;后者则是一款更小巧、专为代码生成优化的模 ...
After weeks of speculation about a new and more powerful AI product in the works, OpenAI today announced its first “reasoning ...