While many excellent maps already exist for your use, the ones you create yourself ... you can easily map a 3D layout of the ...
D3-GEO-MAP 是一个基于 d3.js(v4),和 lodash 的地图绘制工具包 ... About 基于d3.js的一个地图绘制工具,使用geojson格式地图数据,使用SVG方式的一个伪3D地图。
WOTC is steadily working on a new virtual tabletop option for players that could revolutionize remote Dungeons & Dragons ...
What are the best Dungeons and Dragons PC games? The mere mention of Dungeons & Dragons conjures up images of people excitedly unleashing a hail of dice onto a dining room table. From its ...
如有疑问,微信:shuangyu_ai 更多自动驾驶相关交流群,欢迎扫码加入:自动驾驶感知(PCL/ROS+DL):技术交流群汇总(新版) 应同学 ...
当下投影技术根据技术手段和载体媒介的不同主要分为3D Mapping投影与全息投影。这两种技术的概念在很多客户以及舞美、展厅设计、活动策划等行业从业人员来说几乎是傻傻分不清,更谈不上如何去降低成本很好的利用它。因此,本文将探讨3D Mapping投影与全息投影 ...
From sentient candies to ethereal beings, each race brings new flair and excitement to the world of Dungeons & Dragons for players ... come back from the dead, creator stuffattacknightofrandom ...
By unlocking extra tools, the “BG3 Toolkit unlocked” mod may open the way for fan-made levels and original campaigns in the ...
Before uploading an image as a 3D Photo, you’ll need to create a depth map for that image. Fortunately, Facebook makes the process simple. Plus, it requires no additional tools. 3D photos bring ...
SPES神鸦社鼓受邀为天猫打造双11十周年线下3D Mapping装置,将艺术与技术结合,近期在北京水立方与上海中山公园龙之梦展出,为双11十周年狂欢的到来开启落地预热。 天猫双十一3D Mapping装置 天猫双十一3D Mapping猫头装置 今年的落地猫头装置中首次出现了老干妈 ...
Thousands of tiny robots have helped scientists create the largest-ever 3D map of the universe. The universe is expanding all the time and this map measures how fast it's grown over 11 billion years.