比起苹果令人失望的新品发布和“挤牙膏”的 Apple Intelligence,Google已经集齐了“Pixel 9”,“Android 15”,“端侧 Gemini”三大法宝。 8 月,Google 开了 Pixel 9 ...
Google Assistant isn't what it used to be, and Gemini is something entirely different. Can these two coincide to fix the ...
It isn't time to say goodbye to Google Assistant just yet. Here's everything Gemini Live can't do that Google Assistant can.
That isn't Gemini Live's only limitation regarding scheduling. It can't access my Google Tasks or set reminders for me.
Thanks to a recent update, Gemini and Google Assistant finally let you set alarms more than 24 hours in advance.
A buried Apps-only mode strips all the cruft from the Google TV home screen, leaving only the apps that you've already ...
沃尔沃 原厂日前才发表 2 度小改款 XC90 车系,当时其换上全新 11.2 吋直立中控屏幕,也同步更新其内的 Google 车载系统。如今原厂宣布自 2020 年后全球多达 250 万辆搭载 Google 车载系统的沃尔沃车辆,也将同步透过 ...
You can now use Circle to Search even if you aren't using Gemini or Google Assistant as your default digital assistant.
作为本田长青树车款的思域,第 11 代车型自 2021 年发表后,如今过了 3 ...
VOLVO是近年朝数位化拥车体验发展相当积极的品牌,以七人座旗舰休旅XC90为例,不仅全车系标配Google车载资讯娱乐系统,Volvo on Call更整合车内服务与《Volvo Cars》APP,尤其试驾车Recharge T8 AWD Plug ...