据悉,根据协议,江西省科技厅、南昌高新区和南昌中微半导体设备有限公司联手进行GaAs基红黄光LED应用的MOCVD设备开发。项目研发成果优先满足Micro LED生产的产业化需求,将有效提升江西省在新型显示领域产业链的创新能力。
9月6日,海信LED渠道招募大会暨新品发布会在青岛美高梅酒店举行。大会以“聚合力·信未来”为主题,中国LED工程商联盟秘书长曹立新,海信商用显示公司总经理刘杰,海信视像科技公司LED显示产品线运营中心总经理黄飞,海信商用显示公司国内营销中心肖培来、国 ...
联嘉已是连续三年获亚洲「亚太杰出企业奖(AREA)」肯定,总经理黄昉钰二度蝉联亚洲「卓越企业领袖奖」,成为今年度台湾区获此肯定的22位获奖企业领导人之一。 由亚洲企业商会主办的「亚太杰出企业奖Asia Pacific Enterprise ...
黄秀颀博士在总结发言中指出,设备搬入是辰显光电Micro-LED量产之路中的一个重要环节,也是VSM量产线顺利运行的关键一步。接下来,辰显光电将正式进入量产倒计时。辰显光电将继续致力于推动Micro-LED技术的发展和应用,为电子信息产业的进一步提升贡献力量,并期待在未来取得更多辉煌的成就。 返回搜狐,查看更多 ...
9月6日,南昌中微公司GaAs基红黄光LED应用的MOCVD设备开发项目签约活动在昌举行。市委副书记、代市长高世文,省科技厅厅长宋德雄,中微半导体 ...
Whether it's for outdoor spaces like porches, driveways and yards, or your garage, basement or a dark corner in your home, LED floodlight bulbs are a great way to increase visibility around your home.
QLED vs LED is a TV battle that's been ongoing for years and continues still, with sets of each type prevalent in electronics stores today. Indeed, examples of both feature in our best TV buying guide ...
It may be tempting to say the flashlight function on your phone is “good enough” in a pinch, but there’s really no substitute for the superior power and range of a modern LED (Light-Emitting ...
Having a solid pair of LED headlights can transform the look of your car and visibility. They beat traditional stock headlights, and even upgraded halogens. This is due to having a higher lumen ...
It's true -- lighting can have an enormous impact on the way our homes look and feel. Having the right LED light bulb for each section in your home is important for setting the right tone.
南昌新闻网讯 9月6日,南昌中微公司GaAs基红黄光LED应用的MOCVD设备开发项目签约活动在昌举行。市委副书记、代市长高世文,省科技厅厅长宋德雄 ...