曾于2023年国际钢琴大赛夺得银赏的29岁钢琴师杨姓男子,昨(21)日上午从新北市土城住处坠楼,送医抢救后仍宣告伤重不治。杨男生前曾在脸书 ...
A British pianist who was given a last-minute entry to the Leeds International Piano Competition has beaten 60 other ...
Of the literally thousands of songs jazz pianist Charlie Holland knew by heart ― and fingers ― his favorite was a Fats Waller ...
杨堤安生前被誉为音乐界的台湾之光。(互联网照片) (台北22日综合电)台湾钢琴新秀杨堤安周三清晨无预警以“最后一次直播”为题演奏钢琴 ...
Speaking with TheWrap as part of our TIFF 2024 interview and photo studio, Washington shared that playing Boy Willie on both ...
8月22日世界报登出特派记者Simon Leplâtre造访制琴名镇洛舍的报道说,中国钢琴市场崩溃,反映出中产阶级的困境。换言之,“我们宁可小心翼翼”是 ...
I am delighted to be supporting the Alexandra Dariescu Award at the Leeds International Piano Competition for an outstanding ...
She has been working at PEOPLE since 2013 ... rescue pets get bedside lullabies performed live on the piano. Bideawee volunteer Zen Micheline Hung makes this luxury possible for the shelter's ...
2024年8月30日,约翰·传奇发布了他的第十张录音室专辑 《My Favorite Dream》。这是他 首张为儿童与家庭量身打造的专辑, 充满合唱与摇篮曲的温馨氛围,由著名创作歌手苏菲扬·史蒂文斯精心制作,温暖人心,适合全家聆听。
华语阵容方面,今年音乐节依然保持独特的审美风格。许巍、陈绮贞连续两天压轴,分别献唱了《像风一样自由》《蓝莲花》《旅行的意义》《雨水一盒》等多首热门金曲,让乐迷大饱耳福;缺省、Fayzz等“新锐青年之声”担纲开场嘉宾,他们音乐中的自由自在、天马行空,为 ...
Malcolm Washington, the youngest son of Denzel and Pauletta Washington, previewed his film at the Toronto International Film ...