北京时间下午6点多,距离地球700多公里的外太空,两名宇航员从SpaceX龙飞船的机舱头部轮流探出大半个身子,沉浸式领略太空的风光,完成了一场难度并不高的太空行走… ...
Close thy Byron, open thy Goethe!”, wrote the 19th-century historian Thomas Carlyle. The English-speaking readers who ...
研究人员表示,在一年之前,如果科学家听到一次假潮能持续9天,他们会嗤之以鼻;在一个世纪前,如果科学家听说气候变暖能动摇北极山坡的稳定,导致几乎每年都会发生大规模的山体滑坡和海啸,他们会觉得这很荒谬。然而,这些曾经不可想象的事件,现在都成了我们必须面对 ...
Black hole jets are powerful streams of particles and magnetic fields ejected from the regions surrounding supermassive black ...
当然少不了纸飞机。(图片来源:Improbable Research via YouTube) 今天早上,人类第34次迎来了“第一届”搞笑诺贝尔奖。
黄昏时分,潜伏在伦纳德河的鳄鱼冒出了头,对着挂在金属吊杆上的蟾蜍尸体垂涎欲滴。殊不知,这是科学家故意设下的诱饵。而且这还是一只加了料的蟾蜍,咸口的。 这不是一般的咸味“调料”,是可以让鳄鱼恶心的“调料”。
Moo Deng, a baby pygmy hippo, has become the internet’s latest craze. But what seems like unlikely celebrity has a simple ...
Polaris Dawn, the private SpaceX mission currently orbiting Earth, has already set several records since its launch on 10 ...
Dr. Francis Collins has been at the forefront of the world’s most advanced biomedical research. He led the Human Genome ...
Driven by new technology called OpenAI o1, the chatbot can test various strategies and try to identify mistakes as it tackles ...