As Pakistan strives to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, local governance has become increasingly ...
Local government is in serious trouble. The recent auditor-general report reveals that 90% of municipalities are either in distress or experiencing serious dysfunctions, writes Professor Henry Wissink ...
In today’s competitive and socially conscious business environment, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a ...
实现绿色未来需要全球范围内的共同努力。各国政府应当制定和实施有力的环境政策,如碳税、排放限额和环保补贴等,以激励企业和个人减少碳足迹。同时,国际社会应加强合作,通过全球性协议如《巴黎协定》,共同应对气候变化的挑战。合作和共同努力是确保可持续发展目标的 ...
9月7日,2024中国城市规划年会在合肥拉开帷幕。开幕式上,联合国人类住区规划署(人居署)执行主任阿纳克劳迪娅·罗斯巴赫作视频致辞。 9月7日上午,联合国副秘书长、人居署执行主任—— 阿纳克劳迪娅·罗斯巴赫 ,这位国际人居和规划领域最高机构的新任首长 ...
The 2024 edition of the United Nations E-Government Survey – Accelerating Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development will explore key trends and innovations ... to explore the importance of ...
Standard Chartered Bank advised policymakers in Nigeria to embrace blended finance, the use of catalytic capital from public ...
The Seaglider is a cutting-edge, all-electric transportation vehicle that combines elements of boats, hydrofoils and aircraft for a different kind of transport.
美国艺术与科学院院士、北京大学建筑与景观设计学院院长俞孔坚在采访中特别强调,景观设计应走向以生存为导向的实践,从城市生态基础设施规划设计到国土空间的规划和生态修复,应成为构建韧性城市和国土的中间力量。他在中国东南部农村的成长经历对其景观理念产生了深远 ...
Maria Lettini already knew about the backlash going on in the United States against ESG investing, which takes the environment, social issues and corporate governance into account, when she took over ...
It is vital we continue to work closely together, ensuring the agriculture sector remains resilient, innovative, and ...
BAGHDAD, Sept. 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese energy firms are making a notable appearance at Iraq's second International Exhibition and Conference for Oil Projects and Licensing Tours, which commenced in ...