BEIJING, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- A geographic sciences multi-modal Large Language Model (LLM), the first of its kind in the ...
Adrian Chia was inspired during a vacation in Australia and partnered with two friends to develop tiny houses placed in ...
Shohei Ohtani's history-making performance on Thursday garnered a lot of attention not only around the baseball world, but ...
The hyper-capitalist terror state that plots to rule the world keeps its fist in a mailed glove called NATO. But NATO is in ...
Hong Kong snooker star Ng On-yee has won gold in the 2024 Mongolia World Cup of Snooker, beating her Indian opponent Anupama ...
On Thursday evening, a fallen World War Two soldier’s remains were brought home to western Mass. Members of his family were ...
By adopting the resolution without a vote, the General Assembly decided to declare July 6 as "World Rural Development Day" to ...
AI大牛李飞飞创办的AI公司World Labs日前宣布成立,并获得2.3亿美元融资,领投方包括Andreessen Horowitz的Martin Casado和Sarah Wang、NEA的Scott Sandell及Radical ...
在科技不断演进的今天,人工智能(AI)技术依旧是推动创新的重要动力。近日,人工智能领域的佼佼者李飞飞与团队共同创立的新公司World Labs宣布成功筹集到2.3亿美元的资金,这一消息迅速引起了业界的广泛关注。World Labs旨在构建一个可“感知 ...
IT之家 9 月 13 日消息,据路透社今晚报道,被誉为“AI 教母”的 AI 研究员李飞飞为她与三位同事共同创立的初创公司 World Labs 筹集了 2.3 亿美元 (IT之家备注:当前约 16.38 亿元人民币),该公司致力于开发能够理解三维物理世界运作的 AI 技术。
新华网北京9月12日电(郭宇靖、江柯)11日,以“携手迎机遇 同芯促发展”为主题的2024北京微电子国际研讨会暨IC ...
投资界获悉,李飞飞首次创业项目World Labs宣布获得2.3亿美元(约16亿人民币)融资,由a16z、NEA恩颐投资和Radical Ventures领投,还有AMD、Adobe、Databricks的风投部门和Shinrai ...