克雷莫纳的利乌特普兰德(拉丁语:Liutprandus Cremonensis,义大利语:Liutprando di Cremona),又译柳特普朗、律特普朗、柳特普兰德 [1] 、留特布兰德等,是中世纪意大利历史学家、神圣罗马帝国外交官、克雷莫纳主教,其著作是了解10世纪拜占庭帝国宫廷政治的重要 ...
Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli and his wife Veronica Berti Bocelli have been married since 2014. Here's everything to know ...
You could easily spend years wandering through Tuscany's charming villages and spectacular landscapes. Each spot is unique in its own right, yet there is a continuity throughout this central ...
In this section we have collected general, practical information which will help you in the planning stages of your trip to Tuscany, especially if it is the first time you're visiting Tuscany or even ...
费利佩一世(美男子)(西班牙语:Felipe I el Hermoso,1478年7月22日—1506年9月25日,又译腓力一世)法兰德斯伯爵、勃艮第伯爵。他通过与卡斯蒂利亚王位继承人疯女胡安娜的婚姻成为该王国的共同统治者之一,是哈布斯堡王朝在西班牙的始祖。 此条目介绍的是卡 ...
Tuscany is certainly one of the most beautiful regions in Italy. Thanks to its breathtaking panoramas, excellent wine and exquisite food, Tuscany is visited by millions of people every year. There are ...
The angular roughshark has wide-set eyes, a pink snout, massive nostrils and pronounced dermal denticles, giving them a ...
Is your destination not in the list? Have a look at other destinations in Tuscany, in Italy. Is May the best time to visit Tuscany? We believe that May is one of the best times to visit Tuscany with ...
The best times to visit Tuscany are between late September and October and between April and May. During these months, travelers will find comfortable temperatures and fewer crowds at the major ...
Fabbriche di Vergemoli, an enchanting municipality located in the heart of Tuscany, has joined the innovative 1 euro house initiative, aimed at revitalising small villages and preserving cultural ...