SAG-AFTRA says 80 video games have agreed to abide by its proposed AI terms amid the ongoing video game actors' strike.
The corporations are determined to wipe out entire crafts and professions. “Informed consent” means nothing when all the ...
快科技9月7日消息,国产3A大作《黑神话·悟空》自上线以来,全球热度居高不下,吸引了众多玩家的关注,其中不乏社会知名人物,今日, 马斯克发帖盛赞了这款游戏 。
据ITBEAR了解,《黑神话:悟空》自发布以来便销售火爆,根据Video Game ...
Video games made a massive comeback in the mid-1980s after nearly disappearing from the market. Nintendo released an ...
After striking for over a month, video game performers have reached agreements with 80 games that have signed interim or ...
After a strike lasting over a month, members of SAG-AFTRA have successfully secured agreements with the developers of 80 ...
一方面,“IGN给8分“这个事本身来说近年来早就成为了游戏圈一个耳熟能详的梗, 8分出现过于频繁,且毫无区分度; 另一方面,IGN评测文章几乎全部在赞叹游戏的优秀,只给出了少数缺点,从文章发言口径来看, 怎么都像应该给9分。
SAG-AFTRA's video game voice actors and motion capture artists must still resolve AI issues with major publishers, including ...
近日,国产3A游戏大作《黑神话:悟空》在全球范围内持续升温,不仅吸引了广大玩家的目光,也获得了社会各界知名人士的关注。其中,知名企业家埃隆·马斯克(Elon ...
8月20日,以中国神话为背景的首个国产3A游戏《黑神话:悟空》正式上线,三天后,销量突破1000万套。到现在发售的两周时间里,第一批玩家大部分都已经通关。想想全球1000多万人玩《黑神话:悟空》,对电力可是一个不小的消耗。究竟可能会消耗多少电量呢?今 ...