A five-year study with child workers in Bangladesh’s growing leather industry has uncovered children working in dangerous and harmful conditions at every stage of leather processing and production, ...
In recent years, many governments in the Global South have integrated Grievance Redress Mechanisms (GRMs) into their governance structures to monitor and improve the provision of services. However, ...
MA Development Studies student Deep Mehta shares his honest reflections about diversity, during his year at IDS.
This paper provides a synthesis of five case studies on the relationship between sexuality and law. These case studies were undertaken as part of the Sexuality, Poverty and Law theme of the ...
This review of the evidence on sexuality and poverty is undertaken by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) as part of a larger Accountable Grant from the UK Government’s Department for ...
Resilience has, in the past four decades, been a term increasingly employed throughout a number of sciences: psychology and ecology, most prominently. Increasingly one finds it in political science, ...
This background paper focuses on the potential role that international science and technology ‘foresight-type’ activities might play in informing decision-making processes about innovation, ...
The Sussex Development Lecture series is an opportunity to hear from leading global thinkers on development. It is jointly run by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), the School of Global ...
The Rwandan government changed key aspects of its tax policy following pioneering research by ICTD, based at IDS.
Nicholas Nisbett is Professorial Fellow at IDS and a Professor of Global Public Policy, Nutrition and Health Equity at the University of Sussex. With over 20 years of international development ...
This survey was limited in focus. It was designed simply to establish the extent to which small enterprises in the leather sector that employed children were primarily supplying the domestic market.
Ian Scoones is co-director of the ESRC STEPS Centre at Sussex and principal investigator of the ERC Advanced Grant project, PASTRES (Pastoralism, Uncertainty and Resilience: Lessons From the Margins).