A first-of-its-kind study on teacher strikes shows they bring new money into districts, increasing student spending and all ...
Despite recent data showing a decrease in student use of e-cigarettes, too many students across the country vape daily. Vapes are extremely dangerous, and a cause for concern given their popularity ...
Each year, NEA issues a report card that measures congressional support for issues related to public education and educators. Members of Congress are notified in ...
Like many schools post-pandemic, Cherry Hill Public Schools has struggled to hire and retain qualified staff. The crux of the struggle in Cherry Hill was the district’s ranking for starting salaries.
When educators are respected, appreciated, heard, and have the resources we need, we can give students our very best. Our union members unite to win for students, schools, and each other. Across the ...
Recently, the state of Florida installed new signs at the state lines, which read, “Welcome to the free state of Florida.” I have lived and worked in Florida since 2011, and this has never felt less ...
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka landmark Supreme Court decision that ended the legalization of racial segregation in public schools and was a major ...
The National Labor-Management Partnership includes several national organizations representing a diverse contingent of education stakeholders including teachers, principals, superintendents, and many ...
Schools experience a wide variety of crises that have the potential to harm the mental and physical health, learning environment, and safety of students and educators. School crises can be on a large ...
Becky Pringle is president of the National Education Association, the nation’s largest labor union. Becky is a middle school science teacher with more than three decades of classroom experience and ...
The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level ...
Community Schools are public schools that provide services and support that fit each neighborhood’s needs, created and run by the people who know our children best—all working together. In community ...