Brain tumors or glioblastomas are one of the most difficult cancer types to treat. These masses are malignant tumors that are made up of abnormal neuronal | Immunology ...
This valuable work analyzes how specialized cells in the auditory cells, known as the octopus cells, can detect coincidences in their inputs at the submillisecond time scale. While previous work ...
Shared banking, also known as shared branching, allows members of participating credit unions to conduct transactions at branches of other participating credit unions. Across Long Island ...
A new study reveals that neighboring synapses compete for molecular resources during plasticity. This competition affects ...
It is more difficult to explain the functional significance of increased dendritic branching and spines that have occasionally been reported, but this could represent a compensatory response to ...
Nerve cells in the brain receive thousands of synaptic signals via their "antenna," the so-called dendritic branch. Permanent changes in synaptic strength correlate with changes in the size of ...
In a recent study published in Molecular Metabolism, researchers evaluated the impact of Bifidobacterium breve's presence in the maternal gut during pregnancy on fetal brain metabolism. Study ...
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) leads to progressive memory decline, and alterations in hippocampal function are among the earliest pathological features observed in human and animal studies. GABAergic ...
ANZ has reversed a decision to close its branch in Portland after the closure was announced in April. Customers would have had to travel up to 100 kilometres away in order to access a physical ...