Docker对于大多数NAS玩家来说想必都非常熟悉,即便没用过,也应该接触过相关的一些内容。就我个人来说,对于评价一台NAS是否好用,Docker功能占据了不小的比重。8月份终于是又更新了一个大版本,期待已久的Docekr ...
这颗CPU放在miniPC中大概属于入门级水平,但把它放在一台NAS设备中妥妥的旗舰级CPU。 单从参数就能看出,英特尔N100比上一代旗舰处理器N5105有显著提升: 频率:N100的基础频率为1.80GHz,睿频最高可达3.40GHz(单核)或3.20GHz(全核);N5105的基础频率为2.00GHz ...
Monitoring your CPU temperature is crucial for maintaining the health and performance of your computer. Overheating can lead to slowdowns, crashes, and even permanent damage, making it essential ...
High CPU usage can significantly slow down your computer, causing frustration and impacting productivity. This issue can arise from various sources, including background processes, malware ...
Four CPU experts from Intel’s Advanced Architecture Development Group (ADDG) have formed a RISC-V startup called AheadComputing. Debbie Marr, Mark Dechene, Jonathan Pearce, and Srikanth Srinivasan, ...
Intel: Laptop Processors, Future Chips Not Affected by CPU Bug The company pushes back on concerns the Raptor Lake voltage bug affects processors outside the 13th and 14th Generation Core desktop ...
You can’t download more RAM, but you can now download better gaming performance if you’re the owner of a modern Ryzen desktop CPU. AMD revealed last week that it ...
No need to wait, that AMD CPU performance update is available right now in Windows 23H2, and even Zen 3 and Zen 4 chips should receive a boost News By Jacob Fox ...
So, this is amazing, right? Well, yes and no. Yes, it is, certainly for Ryzen 7000 CPU owners, who are getting major – almost generational – gains from out of nowhere, something that hasn’t ...
这款Beelink 零刻 EQ13 迷你台式机,目前在京东有优惠活动,售价仅为793.01元,比原价795.00元便宜了两毛钱。不过需要注意的是,这个价格只能用plus会员才能享受到。 方面,这款台式机的设计非常精美,机身侧面和顶部采用了悟空设计,底壳还配备了防尘网,看 ...