Landscape architects may only need the building exterior so they can add site context around it — no need to bring in MEP fixtures, HVAC equipment, furniture, etc. Hide those elements in Revit ...
Interactive Revit RFA and RVT project database exploration tool to view and navigate BIM element parameters, properties and relationships.
Select plants for long-lived, healthy and sustainable landscapes. Create special habitats for pollinators and other wildlife. The Sustainable Urban Landscape Information Series (SULIS) is a collection ...
Understanding the need for high-quality and interactive design presentations, SketchUp has introduced new features in their iPad and web apps to make sharing and communicating in 3D easier using ...
1、计算性设计在建筑和规划等规则空间设计中应用广泛,在风景园林领域的研究多集中于规律性较强的空间布局,侧重于对计算机辅助设计的探讨,综述多针对计算性设计的某种单一技术。因此,本研究综合采用文献计量法及叙述性综述法,对具有复杂规律的 ...
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