关于佳能5D Mark IV(单机)数码相机的促销信息也可咨询(联系电话:15389083724 张经理)该商家。 图像分辨率 L(大):约3010万像素(6720×4480) M(中):约1330万像素(4464×2976) S1(小1):约750万像素(3360×2240) S2(小2):约250万像素(1920×1280) S3(小3):约35 ...
The innovations in some of the best waterproof camera housings has made underwater photography far more accessible in recent ...
之前的开始菜单被metro界面所取代,其实是可以通过设置重新换回经典开始菜单,那么在win8系统如何开启经典开始菜单呢,快来和小编一起看看吧。 3. 在“Explorer”项目中找到“RPEnabled”,把数值从1改成0即可。 本文到此结束,希望对大家有所帮助。
The Canon Eos R5 Mark II upgrades one of the most reliably excellent camera lines in the industry -- but there are a couple ...
这款优惠中的Apple AirPods 3是一款真无线蓝牙耳机,采用半入耳式设计,带有MagSafe充电盒版。它具有强大的充电和续航能力,可以连续使用长达30小时。此外,它的防水性能出色,可以在日常生活中轻松使用而不必担心水滴损坏。 AirPods 3采用了先进的技术来提供 ...
Just five days after the arrival of first Mirrorless camera, and 16 years ago today, Canon revealed a camera that would help ...
Behind The Shot: This photo was taken in September, when the calm seas come to Tenerife. I used the tranquil, crystal-clear ...
荣耀8X采用了双面2.5D玻璃+金属中框的夹心结构 ... 然而,彭博社跟踪苹果新闻的知名记者马克·古尔曼(Mark Gurman)先泼了一盆冷 ... 消息称谷歌 Pixel 9a 手机将采用 Tensor G4 处理器,搭配旧款调制解调器 9 月 3 日消息,Pixel 8a 在价格和硬件方面都非常接近 Pixel 8 ...
Discover why people buy the best DSLR cameras and the advantages they offer. Explore common uses, factors to consider when ...
Artificial intelligence is here to stay and is in the early stages of reshaping education as the internet did in the late '90s. This is the resounding message from industry officials, including ...
DPReview Editors' Choice photo challenge: top picks For our most recent Editors' Choice photo challenge, themed 'The Dog Days ...