1. Georg Wenker - Wikipedia

    • Georg Wenker (January 25, 1852 – July 17, 1911) was a German linguist who began documenting German dialect geography during the late nineteenth century. He is considered a pioneer in this field and contributed several groundbreaking publications, most notably, the Deutscher Sprachatlas. 展开


    Georg Wenker was born in Düsseldorf on January 25, 1852. He attended gymnasium there and in 1872 received his eligibility to attend college. Beginning the summer semester of 1872, Wenker studied in Zürich, Bonn展开

    Contributions and significance

    Wenker's first effort to map spoken dialect began in 1876 and involved surveying schoolmasters in northern Germany. He sent a list of sentences written in standardized German and requested a transcription int… 展开

    Additional sources

    • Chambers, J.K. and Peter Trudgill. 1980. Dialectology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    • Petyt, K.M. 1980. The Study of Dialect. London: Andre Deutsch Limited.… 展开

  1. Georg Wenker – Wikipedia

  2. Georg Wenker — Wikipédia

  3. Deutscher Sprachatlas – Wikipedia

  4. Georg Wenker - Wikipedia

  5. Atlas linguistique de la France - Wikipedia

  6. 方言学 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

  7. Dialektgeographie – Über Wenkersätze

  8. Ripuarian language - Wikipedia

  9. Wenker – Wikipedia