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  1. Seven hills of Rome - Wikipedia

    • The seven hills of Rome east of the river Tiber form the geographical heart of Rome, within the walls of the city. The seven hills are: Aventine Hill (Latin: Collis Aventinus; Italian: Aventino)Caelian Hill (Collis Caelius, originally the Mons Querquetulanus; Celio)Capitoline Hill (Mons Capitolinus; Campidoglio)Esquiline Hill (Collis Esquilinus; Esquilino)Palatine Hill (Collis or … 展开


    Tradition holds that Romulus and Remus founded the original city on the Palatine Hill on 21 April 753 BC, and that the seven hills were first occupied by small settlements that were not grouped. The seven hills' denizens began … 展开

    In the New Testament

    In the Book of Revelation, the Whore of Babylon sits on "seven mountains", often understood by Christians as the seven hills of Rome and a reference to the pagan Roman Empire. Protestants later associated them with the … 展开

    In modern literature

    In a 2019 interview Lindsey Davis revealed her plan to set a series of books on the seven hills of Rome, now accomplished with the publication of A Capitol Death, seventh in the Flavia Albia series which began with … 展开

    See also

    Other Roman hills
    Janiculan Hill (Gianicolo)
    Mons Sacer
    Monte Mario
    Monte Testaccio, an artificial hill composed primarily of broken amphorae展开

  1. Seven Hills of Rome (film) - Wikipedia

  2. 羅馬七丘 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

  3. List of cities claimed to be built on seven hills - Wikipedia

  4. Rome - Wikipedia

    网页The Rome of the Kings was built on seven hills: the Aventine Hill, the Caelian Hill, the Capitoline Hill, the Esquiline Hill, the Palatine Hill, the Quirinal Hill, and the Viminal Hill. Modern Rome is also crossed by …

  5. Seven hills of Istanbul - Wikipedia

  6. Category:Seven hills of Rome - Wikipedia

  7. Seven hills of Seattle - Wikipedia

  8. Seven Hills of Rome (film) - Wikiwand articles

  9. Ancient History/Rome/Early Rome (the Seven Hills)