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  1. 集成电路是20世纪50年代后期一60年代发展起来的一种新型半导体器件。 它是经过氧化、光刻、扩散、外延、蒸铝等半导体制造工艺,把构成具有一定功能的电路所需的半导体、电阻、电容等元件及它们之间的连接导线全部集成在一小块硅片上,然后焊接封装在一个管壳内的电子器件。
    集成电路(integrated circuit) 或者 单片集成电路 (也称为 集成电路 , 芯片 ,或 微芯片 )是一组位于一小片(或 “芯片”)半导体材料(通常为硅)上的电子电路。 将大量微小的晶体管集成到一个小芯片中使得电路比由分立的电子元件构成的电路小几个数量级、更快、更便宜。
  2. 其他用户还问了以下问题
  3. 集成电路 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 -

  4. Integrated circuit - Wikipedia

    网页An integrated circuit (IC), also known as a microchip, computer chip, or simply chip, is a small electronic device made up of multiple interconnected electronic components such as transistors, resistors, and capacitors. …

  5. 集成电路 - Wikiwand

  6. 集成电路(微型电子器件或部件)_百度百科

  7. Three-dimensional integrated circuit - Wikipedia

    网页In general, 3D integration is a broad term that includes such technologies as 3D wafer-level packaging (3DWLP); 2.5D and 3D interposer-based integration; 3D stacked ICs (3D-SICs); 3D heterogeneous integration; …

  8. Application-specific integrated circuit - Wikipedia

    网页An application-specific standard product or ASSP is an integrated circuit that implements a specific function that appeals to a wide market. As opposed to ASICs that combine a collection of functions and are designed by or for …

  9. 世界集成电路协会 | WICA

  10. 集成电路 - MBA智库百科 -

  11. 中芯国際集成電路製造 - Wikipedia